
    Acute Urticaria

    Acute Urticaria

    Acute urticaria is a type of hives lasting less than six weeks. With this type of hives the cause can usually be found. Foods, drugs or infections are the most common causes. Insects bites and internal disease may also be responsible.

    Foods: Nuts, chocolate, fish, tomatoes, eggs, fresh berries and milk are the common foods that cause hives. Food additives and preservatives may also be the cause. Hives caused by food may appear within minutes or up to two hours after eating.

    Drugs: Almost any medication can cause hives. Prescription antibiotics, pain medications, sedatives, tranquilizers and diuretics can all be potential causes as can non-prescription antacids, vitamins, eye and ear drops, laxatives, vaginal douches or other products. Tell your dermatologist about all medications and preparations you use to assist in pinpointing the cause of your hives.

    Infections: Many different types of infections can cause hives. Colds are a common cause in children.

    Chronic Urticaria

    Chronic Urticaria

    Chronic Urticaria is a case of hives lasting more than six weeks. The cause of chronic urticarial is more difficult to identify. Your dermatologist will need to ask many questions to find a possible cause, and even then, a cause for chronic hives is found in only a few patients.

    Physical Urticarias

    Physical Urticarias

    Physical Urticarias are hives caused by sunlight, cold, pressure, vibration or exercise. Hives due to sunlight are called solar urticarial, a rare condition in which hives form within minutes of sun exposure and fade in one to two hours. Hives due to cold are common and appear when the skin is warmed after exposure to the cold. If large areas of the body are exposed to cold, wheezing, flushing, generalized hives and fainting may occur. In about 5 percent of the population, hives can form after firmly stroking or scratching the skin. If these hives occur along with other forms of hives, finding and eliminating the cause usually clears the condition. Otherwise it may last for months or year.



    Treatment for hives starts with finding and removing the cause of the outbreak. This is not always easy and your dermatologist will need to ask many questions about your diet, medications, general health to determine the most likely cause.

    Antihistamines are usually prescribed to provide relief from itching and other symptoms. These medications work best if taken on a regular schedule to prevent hives from forming. To determine which antihistamine works best for you, your dermatologist may try more than one antihistamine or combinations of these medications.

    In severe cases, an injection of epinephrine (adrenalin) or a cortisone medication may be necessary.